Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obamas I have known

Hello world, this is Angry Tofu speaking. First off, I have a very important message:


     And now for a list of amazing Obama puns to commemorate the occasion.

1. Are you ready to Barack and Roll? 
    (Thanks to Chicken Lizard man for that one)

2. Baroque Yo Mama
     (A nickname given by the young Obama to himself)




And this one's just funny...

And this is sweet :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012


     Hello world, this is Angry Tofu speaking. November first marked the beginning of the best month ever. November is the best month out of them all because NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month takes place during it. From the first of November until midnight on the thirtieth, participants are challenged to write a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. When you finish writing your novel, you send a copy to the NaNoWriMo website, which then scrambles it (to avoid plagiarism) and produces your final word count. If it is 50,000 words or more, you have won!
     Of course, the winning is kind of a "pat yourself on the back because you're super awesome" kind of winning than a "congratulations, here's your prize money" kind. What you get is mostly your own satisfaction, especially because you would be surprised at how many people actually manage to complete this thing. It would be expensive to give prizes to them all.
     However, there are some prizes in the form of significant discounts on various merchandise on the NaNoWriMo website, such as writing programs and coffee mugs. Plus, on the website there is TONS of cool stuff, like forums, dares (where people "dare" you to do certain things with your storyline), pep talks from professional writers, plot ideas, and general writing tips.
    I highly encourage everyone to try this! It sounds awful, trying to chug out almost two thousand words a day, but if you are able to find someone to do it with you it is incredibly fun. I was able to finish last year, along with two good friends of mine. We had a "write-off" at my house where we stayed up all night just writing on our laptops while wearing snuggies and eating bbusheo-bbusheo (Korean snack).

Go to for more information!

However, this also means that during this month my blog posts will be quite few and also sporadic. I apologize! Please hang in there for me :)