Saturday, December 1, 2012

I'm Back!

     Hello World, this is Angry Tofu speaking and I want you all to know that I am back. I have very little to tell you about the month of November; that month was not good to me.
     Now that it is December I am looking forward to the prospect of extremely cold weather, snow, and lights decorating everything. I love winter. I am not a person who likes seasons based on the comfort that they provide weather-wise, instead I tend to like them because of the drama and inspiration they provide. I know, it's very adolescent of me. According to this rubric, summer is my least favorite season. I can't stand the sunshine! Where is the drama in that, people?
      It's a bit late (according to Angry Tofu time) so I am going to have to end this post now. Don't worry, I'll be writing a lot more tomorrow.
     If you find yourself lacking entertainment sources on the internet, I have a temporary solution for you! I recently came across this blog, which I found very amusing


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