Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Artsy Chair (a slightly crude post)

     Hello all, this is Angry Tofu speaking. In my physics class, two of my friends sit nearby me. The first I will call "Awkward Gaming Kid" (AGK), and the second is the chair he was sitting on. This chair had been of little interest to me until AGK sat in it, and was immediately pitched forward into the table.

     "Ah!" he said, "It's the Artsy Chair!"

     The Artsy Chair has returned.
     The chair was given this name because of the break between the seat of the chair and the legs, which causes it to snap forward if too much weight is applied to the front of it. However, being tolerant people in my physics class, we refuse to call it "broken", and instead have named it "Artsy" for its bravery by refusing to conform with the other chairs.

     "AGK," I replied, "it's an inspiring chair. It's....it's....the Inspiributt!"

     What a brilliant idea, if I do say so myself. I think there should be a company with chairs that are so strange that they inspire those who sit on them to do great things, like coming up with the name "Inspiributt".


                                The Rear End Revolution


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