Thursday, August 30, 2012

Charlie the fabulous kitty

      Hello world, this is Angry Tofu speaking. A few days ago there was an addition to my household that caused a complete upheaval of the previously existing social order. This addition is a fourteen-year-old cat named Charlie. She (yes, Charlie is a she) was left in unfortunate circumstances after her owner died suddenly. Charlie used to be named Harley. This comes as less of a surprise when you know that her previous owner was a drunken raving lunatic.
    Anyway, seeing as four other cats are already living in my house (no, we are not cat hoarders), Charlie's arrival has caused a lot of hostile barfing. Which I don't appreciate. However, Charlie's cuteness definitely makes up for the backlash since her appearance. She enjoys to hide under my bed for most of the day, making sudden and unannounced visits when she wants to be petted. She also purrs like a freight train.

   And here I have included some photos :)



Welcome Charlie!

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