Thursday, August 30, 2012

Deodorant in the Ukraine

    Hello world, this is Angry Tofu with my second post of the day. Some might think that posting twice is in one day is a bit excessive, and I agree. Sort of. Well, I would agree except that I just found something so amazing that it really cannot wait. This something is UKRAINIAN DEODORANT.                  That's right, if you have read my "Top Ten Things to do When You Don't Have a Phone", you know that one of them was to research Ukrainian deodorant. Apparently "deodorant is not perceived as an essential product type in Ukraine". I am going to avoid saying anything that is politically incorrect, but I must admit I felt a shiver of horror at reading those words. A world without deodorant is...a world with neither truth nor beauty.
     However, there is so much more! The article I found has an entire page of information just on the deodorant market in the Ukraine. Okay, that sounds kind of boring but when you think about how ridiculous the subject matter's really quite amusing :)

   Here's a link to the article:

Enjoy! By the way, if you enjoy reading my blog, please subscribe! The button for subscription is at the bottom of the page, next to the "Home" button. And even if you don't like my blog subscribe anyway, because then you always have something to rant about :)

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