Friday, August 31, 2012

Rainy Day


        Hello world, this is Angry Tofu speaking. It's raining today. A lot of people seem to be anti-rainy day. I could not agree with that less. All of the best ideas come on rainy days. Seriously. Or at least mine do. Here's a list of the brilliant things I have thought of today:

  1. Figure out how to make a gif (those cyclical moving picture things)
  2. What would happen if you put Mentos and Alka Seltzer in water? 
  3. Go to Alaska
  4. Go to a showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show and throw water balloons instead of rice
  5. Write the next great American novel
   See? Brilliant ideas, all of them. Okay, honestly these are not my best. Today is a day for sitting with the ever-purring Charlie and watching Korean dramas. At the moment the show on my television is full of a bunch of awkward balding men. Wait! Now it's a close-up of a hand! Wow, it's only episode one and the material is just....fantastic.
   Anyway, comment below to share what you like to do on rainy days :)

P.S. Please subscribe!

Thanks to Kateey on Deviantart for the photo :)

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