Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Value of Terrible Literature, TV, and Art

   Hello world, this is Angry Tofu speaking. I have a message for all of you today. A very important message that I think is often neglected. The message is: it's okay to watch crappy TV. It's okay to read stupid books. It's okay to laugh at tragically awful art.
   People act like it's some horrible sin if you have a pile of trashy mystery novels in your living room. Um, no. I'm the one having fun. So take that, losers.
   Of course classic novels and all great works of literature are awesome. There's a reason people like them. But it's unfair to hate on the lesser ones. Maybe a book does have great sentence structure and beautiful, flowing prose, but I also may not feel like clawing my way through five-hundred pages of all of that. Maybe, just maybe, I would like a form of escapism that involves werewolves. Just for once.

   And here, on a slightly different note, are some horrifying first sentences of romance novels:

  • "Yes, she was a woman who had once been a man, but she still knew how to flutter her eyelashes as well as those other hussies."
  • "Scarlet's hair was as red as my persistent canker sore
  • "Robert was new at this prison thing, and he felt frightened and confused. But the moment he laid eyes on #472825994, he became a prisoner of love."
  • "His flatulence reared up like a proud stallion."
  • "Though flanked by two swarthy state troopers, Paula found her gaze drawn to the chubby saxophonist."
    That was rather random, but I felt it was too amazing to be skipped. For the rest of them visit

   So what can be said for bad books also applies to bad TV. There is a reason soap operas are popular. People don't always want depth--sometimes they just want ridiculous, captivating storylines. The following are some of my favorite (terrible) TV shows and movies:

Witchboard: Without a doubt the worst movie of all time

Charmed: I love this show so much. I can't tell you that it's really good quality stuff though. In fact, it's pretty bad. I honestly don't care!

The Amityville Horror: I don't even know if this movie poster is from the exact movie I saw but it doesn't matter because they all suck. Seriously.

   Okay, and now onto something slightly different: bad art. Bad art was created by God on the sixth day of creation, right after Adam. It was created as a source of unending humor to all humans. Strangely, art seems to be a flexible term, so a strange phenomenon known as "modern art" can often be interpreted as bad art, while its creators are vehemently against it being described in those terms.

For more examples of awful artwork, go to:

The Museum of Bad Art! Enjoy :)

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