Sunday, September 2, 2012

Word of the day: Plurble

   Hello world, this is Angry Tofu speaking with my first (and probably last) word of the day! The wonderful, magical, fantastical word is illustrated in the above illustration. Well, I think it's an illustration. It was supposed to be art but something went terribly, terribly wrong. Wow, that is really ugly.
    Anyway, today I am going to define my most successful made-up word: plurble. Plurble can be used in almost any circumstance, which is why it is the crowning glory of personal words that I created that no one else can understand. It has several usages, which I will now demonstrate so that you too may integrate plurble into your personal dictionary. 

  1. An exclamation:
"I just invented the first time machine! The only year it can take you to is 1982!"

     2. A profanity:

"Oops I just set your house on fire...sorry!"
"Plurble you, moron!"

     3. The answer to a rhetorical question:

"So which did come first, the chicken or the egg?"
"Oh, I totally got this one. Plurble!"

     4. A replacement for a noun or verb anytime you want to annoy someone:

"Jimmy, you have to tell me where the secret portal is before the giant bunnies of doom come through it and destroy mankind!"
"It''s in....the....PLURBLE! Hahaha suckers!"

    I hope you appreciate the full range of awesomeness that this word can add to your vocabulary. Have a great day folks, comment and subscribe, and always remember: plurble


1 comment:

  1. Plurlbely plurbtastice plurbed plurbey plurbalicious plurbaciousness PLURBEDTACULAR!
